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  Make Money Online Thinking Outside the Box  

There are all kinds of ways to make money online. More than you might think! But right now let’s look at some ‘out of the box’ ways to make money.

#1 Build Your Niche Directory
There are many different directory sites online and there is certainly room for more. You can set up a a directory site that lists existing directory sites. Gather a list through research, then sell ad space to generate revenue. You can charge a monthly fee to have an ad appear on your site. You can also offer a paid listing that has more to offer such as better placement.

Make Directory Submissions
For a blog or website to be successful it needs traffic to generate revenue. There are different kinds of traffic. One way is to submit to directories and this can be a very time consuming process, which is why so many bloggers and webmasters pay someone to do it. You can be that person. Charge a fee to submit to directories then use forums like DigitalPoint to help you do the task quickly.

Create Videos
There’s a huge interest in videos these days, so there is always more room for videos online. You can upload the videos you make to sites like Break or Revver. They will then share them and you’ll get a percentage of their ad revenue as well as a fee each time your video is downloaded.

Create Backgrounds for MySpace
There’s a market for backgrounds for MySpace. They are not hard to create but most people won’t take the time. This is an opportunity for you to offer a service where you create custom MySpace pages for a fee. 

Create YouTube Videos
YouTube is useful in getting known on the web. In fact, it can create instant stardom quite easily. YouTube and other sites like make it easy for you to have an opportunity to be discovered. If you are a talented singer a record label might see you. But that’s just one way to make money on YouTube. You can create product review videos linked to an affiliate program and generate a commission. You can also create courses, offering the first video free and then pay as you use. 

Design Custom T-Shirts and Other Cool Things
If you are always coming up with catchy phrases, there’s a market waiting for you. You can make a good income designing and selling t-shirts and other cool things on sites like CafePress. You spend nothing on stock, printing designs, shipping or processing payments. CafePress takes care of all of that. You just design, create, upload and send buyers to your page. You can earn a decent income.

Now that your thinking outside the box, don’t stop here. There’s tons of other ideas out there.

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